What is the Prayer Shawl Ministry?
Congregant Delaine Collins started Unity of Mesa's Prayer Shawl Ministry in May 2006, based on the work of The Prayer Shawl Ministry started in Hartford, Connecticut in 1998. Since then, the Prayer Shawl Ministry has met on a regular basis, with participants coming together much like at an old-fashioned quilting bee to knit and crochet shawls, blankets, and scarves for recipients. A shawl maker begins each project with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Whether you love to knit or want to learn, join us in our cause making items to donate to our congregation, organizations in our community, and our world. Prayer Shawl Blessing May God’s grace be upon this Prayer Shawl, warming, comforting, enfolding, and embracing. May this shawl be a safe haven, a sacred place of security and well-being. As you receive this gift of Love, our intention is to affirm that you are cradled in Hope, kept in Joy, graced with Peace, and wrapped in Love. Blessed Be. Prayer Shawl Ministry. ~Delaine Collins |
When do they meet?
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the Community room of the main building on the second Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm. Please call the church office at 480-892-2700 for further information. |
How can I find out more?
Delaine Collins and Rosemary Van Thournout are the current contact persons for the Prayer Shawl Ministry. To reach Delaine or Rosemary, please contact the church.