Floor space is now 20% more (440 sq ft).
Interior volume increases almost 7,000 cubic feet (28%). Original sanctuary: 32' wide and 70' long, with 10' walls (ceiling vaulting to 12'6" in center). Renovation: 40' wide for front 55', original 32' width for back 15'. Walls and ceiling are now 12' across. And yet our air conditioning bill should go down due to more efficient air flow and better insulation!
Thank you to the following Sponsor-A-Sunday donors who donated $300 to cover the cost of holding services for one Sunday in the Franklin at Brimhall School Auditorium during the month of June. We are so blessed to have our "home away from home" and we are grateful for the donations of time, talent & treasure that make it possible.
June 7: Larri & Joan Fox-McNutt June 14: Veolada Schneider June 21: Unity Women’s Ministry June 28: Janet & Larry Brown The install of the new Sanctuary trusses coincided with Rev. Mark's birthday. What a fun birthday present!
It has been exciting to watch the progress on the new accessible family bathroom. It is located on the northwest corner of the church, facing the Garden playground, with an exterior access door (can we get an "amen" from the kids & parents who won't have to run inside for bathroom emergencies?). This new unisex bathroom will be ADA compliant.
We finally have an INSURANCE DECISION: Great news! After a 5-month review and extensive engineering documentation, CHURCH MUTUAL HAS APPROVED OUR INSURANCE CLAIM to cover the replacement cost of the Sanctuary as it was, as well as collapse/shoring/design-related expenses and code-required upgrades. (Costs related to optional upgrades or expansion are our responsibility.)
Our adjuster will review our coverages and scope of reimbursable work next week. We should also be eligible for at least some of the operational costs of moving services off-site and other disruptions. This means:
On a day which has never recorded rain in Phoenix, the skies opened above the church. A deluge poured throughout the night. Despite workers' efforts to cover the church against rain, water made it into adjoining rooms. Friday was a day of removing water, clearing rooms, and reinforcing for the historic storm still in our area. Fortunately no equipment was damaged. Rains did, however, wash out the fireworks show at the Diamondbacks Game later that night.